Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani

Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani

Operating office: Loc. La Quercia snc – 26027 Rivolta D’Adda (CR)

Ph: +39 0363 78883



National Institute of the private law, mainly devoted to research, experimentation, advanced training and services. The more relevant areas of activity refer to:

  • animal reproduction, genetic selection, population genetics;
  • bioinformatics and statistics;
  • food safety and traceability of products of animal origin;
  • antibiotic resistance and resistance to diseases, in vitro test as alternatives to animal experimentation, typing and genetic characterization in endangered species (from domestic mammals to dogs, fishes and bees);
  • aquaculture;
  • microalgae and bioremediation.

The sectors most closely related to the “green chemistry” refer to the technologies relatively to microalgae cultivation and cosmetology, which are briefly detailed below.

  • Microalgae Sector: The numerous studies carried out on the existing large variety and on their high biological value derivatives indicate that these microorganisms can potentially revolutionize a large number of biotechnology sectors. The Institute has been involved in the study and use of microalgae by exploiting its own competencies in the aquaculture sector. The priority themes addressed are:
    • Bio-remediation, through experimental cultivation of microalgae on agricultural wastewater;
    • The exploration and extraction of bioactive molecules of interest for the cosmetic, pharmacological and nutraceutical sectors;
    • Production of suitable food for zooplankton in hatcheries and generic fish feeds;
    • Development of effective biorefineries with a strong territorial application and positive socio-economic, technical-scientific and environmental repercussions.
  • Cosmetic Sector: With the laboratories of microbiology, analytical chemistry and cell cultures, the sector is dedicated to research and services mainly dedicated to the extraction of phytocomplexes from different matrices, the development of in vitro tests on fibroblasts and keratinocytes for cytotoxicity and antioxidant tests and the exploitation of algal derivates into cosmetic products.